Decrease tumour incidence
Khavinson Peptides from the Peptide Bioregulator Company in Sweden
It should be emphasized that Khavinson peptides selectively bind to specific DNA sites in vitro. They epigenetically regulate expression of genes, (oncogenes, telomerase gene, Interleukins genes, transcription factors genes) as well as the synthesis of proteins – markers of differentiation, proliferation, apoptosis and increase the length of telomeres in somatic cells, decrease tumour incidence Khavinson Peptide .
These peptides furthermore increase the average lifespan, decrease tumour incidence in animals and decrease human mortality by maintaining endocrine, nervous and immune systems.
It was shown that the addition of peptide AEDG to the cultural medium of human lung fibro blasts induces telomerase gene expression and contributes to a 2.4-fold lengthening of Telomers.
Know More: Discovery of peptidergic regulation of ageing
Activation of gene expression is accompanied by a growing number of cellular divisions by 42.5%. It was revealed that addition of tetrapeptide Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly to the cultural medium of human lung fibroblasts induces telomerase gene expression and contributes to a 2.4-fold lengthening of Telomers.
Activation of gene expression is accompanied by a growing number of cellular divisions (by 42.5%), which is the evidence of Hay-flick’s limit overcoming. This fact fully correlates with earlier stated maximum increase of animal life span (43,3%) after administration of this peptide.